Thoughts that enter our mind and stay with our hearts are the main ingredients that helps assist us when trying to relate, by connecting our minds to each other. No longer feeling lonely because of what we share with each other. This process helps filter our thoughts through expression of the mind, reading deep in what your feeling helps decipher any complicated mind.
Sunday, 7 October 2012

Friday, 10 August 2012
Their is a natural order in life that defines our reality. This is ignored because many of us have little time to focus and analyse the events that take place in our busy lifestyles. Allowing yourself to spare some free time to look deep under the surface, helps reconnect you to the common ground that simplifies life's true meaning. We must go with the flow if we ever expect to keep in sync with the world. As John Lennon quotes "Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans". If we don't give time to reflect on our decisions, we are left to lose our perspective and lose what drives us to persevere. Most people experience times of hopelessness, but when you slow down your life you begin to realise that their is a natural order in life that you must expierience the tough times to prepare you for even the tougher times. Its within these tough times that you are reminded not to take for granted the good times in your life.
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Friday, 27 July 2012

Thursday, 28 June 2012
Technology needs to be embraced if you expect to stay in contact with those who choose to use it as their way of socialising. In our fast paced lives we do less connecting with people face to face and more with other forms of media. The evolution of technology forces people to rethink the way they have being interacting and move with the times. Life is ever changing those who refuse to adapt get left behind. This should be enough to steer peoples opinon to the majority, if they expect to fit in and not lose touch with those who are outside of their reach. People dont want to try and understand where we are headed as a society because all they can think about is where they are now. It is up to the individual to pre visualise where they want to be and set path to play which will lead them to reaching their long term goals. Without a plan of what you'd like to achieve in your life you are left with the disappontment that hits you at the point where you cant control the affect that you desire. Leaving you with the realisation that your opportunities have now past you by.
Thursday, 14 June 2012

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Friday, 4 May 2012

Sunday, 22 April 2012
Big and small decisions are thrust upon us each day of our lives, but no matter how small the decisions are both choices can remind us of our freedom to be able to choose what is right for us. We are shown by many on how we should think and how we should do even the most trivial of things. No matter the size of the choice we have their is always a voice trying to steer us in a direction to what may have worked for them. This action is pushed to us when we're not following the rules that people put on themselves when making decisions, believing that our life would benefit if we followed their lifestyle choices. Our choices define who we are and those who try to take that away from us have trouble accepting that we know what we want and we also know who we are. If we followed the examples that are forced upon us we would be a replica of the adviser and lose our own identity forcing us to create ideals based on somebodies else's priorities.
Monday, 2 April 2012
Sunday, 1 April 2012

Friday, 23 March 2012

Sunday, 26 February 2012
The impact writers words have to their audience doesn't always get the audience the way it was intended to. Words may have similar meanings in the English dictionary but the readers emotions may have swayed their interpretation of the writing. The readers may carry certain biased views in their mind due to the impact of the words that are connected to a feeling or an experience in the readers life. It is hard for some to reflect on the writing without taking a personal view on how the piece might relate to them. Therefore creating a paranoid affect that makes the reader feel as if it is a personal attack on the way they may view the world. Is this an emotional problem or should all writing be a reflection on how it relates to the reader. Why is it that so many people can read the same piece of writing but be left with completely different feelings being stirred. Is this an example of a pessimistic view over an optimistic view. The less stable the mind the more someone will view your writing as personal attack on them forcing the reader to prepp themselves for a counter attack without taking in consideration that the way the mind interprets everyday dilemas is different and what might work for some doesn't always work for another. So the only true solution is to ask the writers intention that way you wont assume the worst unless your a positive thinker who may look deep into the writing and realise that the words were not designed to hurt the reader they were put out as a way the writer could express his or her interpretation of the world.
Friday, 24 February 2012


Sunday, 29 January 2012

Thursday, 19 January 2012
In life we are told how great life can be if we upgrade our possessions and how bigger leads us to a happier lifestyle. Cars are built to go faster but the speed limits stay the same. We are told that we should have more then what our parents have because we've had more opportunities and an easier life, but where does this leave those who are content with living a simple life. If possession shape us then are we all shallow minded or are we just following what seems to make sense that more is better. Those who are famous are made to look like super stars by the media and are supposed to be role models to us mere mortals, but if you take away their publicists they would fade in the crowd. Is this entrapment of our feelings or just great marketing. How can we blame those who use our motivations against us knowing that they are only giving us what we crave. Maybe we sometimes need to take off our beer goggles which effect our mind with negative influences and focus more on how we can affect others in a positive way, which would help us reach a common goal worth reaching.
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
It's sad to see that many people miss out on the connection and appreciation that comes with sharing their life story with their audience because they cant see past their frustrations. Their fears restricting their heart to open to the difference of others opinions, leaving them with only one option to treat others as enemy's of their own beliefs whether they agree with the current discussion or not. It's too hard to see beyond their prejudices especially when they have already made their mind up. Their perspective now blocked by the unforgiving sunlight of debate, now afraid to enjoy the rays of light beyond their assumptions. Every opportunity taken to stamp in their own version of the truth, removing their ability to listen and trading it for conflict. Their imagination running off with the logic they normally held proud because lateral thinking can not remain open if your mind is closed.
It's so easy to give advice , but it seems to be very hard for some to follow through with their own advice. Why cant those who criticise others use their same cynical views when it comes to making decisions that effect their own lifestyle. Is it because when there not involved with the affects that come with making a rushed decision at the drop of a hat, that everything seems so easy to comprehend. But when their plate is full with an in balance of tasks over time, the problems they face seem to out weigh anyone else problems. Others related views carry no weight when those who deem their issues more important then every bodies else dilemmas. How you open your heart will leave a reflective outcome.
Thursday, 12 January 2012

Tuesday, 10 January 2012
Truth is what you see when someone doesn't have time to prepare for a diplomatic answer. Shock is the response you get when people try to hide their true response with a delayed answer. The truth that is normally hidden in the preparation of a logical answer, which allows the liar optimum time to choose an answer that will camouflage the real truth. The reaction on their face and their body language helps guide you in the right direction by deciphering their real feelings. Their body language can't lie to the questions you ask them, which helps you work out who will be honest and open their heart or who will tell you what ever lie makes them sound wiser.
Saturday, 7 January 2012
We are constantly reminded of how we should be living our life and what we are doing is wrong. It seems that if we choose to make different decisions to what is expected of us then we're off life's tracks. But how can you explain to those who push us rather than guide us with their non biased advice, that we are knowingly choosing to live our life different to others because it's what we want. Our decisions aren't made to get back at someone for a wrong they may have done to us but because we felt that the decision will bust us out of the enclosure that traps and limits our mind in a bubble of dissatisfaction. We know what we want and we want the freedom that comes with it.
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