We all are guilty of sharing a secret with someone, even though we have assured the keeper of the secret that the truth will stay with us alone. This doesn't mean our partners are excluded from our new gained information that we believed wasn't part of our secret bond. There are other exclusions that cant be part of the pact made, friends who have informed you when they assured others that they weren't going to let you in on the secret and those we let the know of the secret because the information could help a friend out of a dilemma. As long as you didn't give the information directly to them you can feel that little bit better that your not completely in the wrong. Unless the unwritten rule stands where you swear either with your pinky or on a loved ones life, then you have to face the music when its found out that you've known the secret but you have kept it to yourself. Everyone knows that previous informant losses out on this latest news because a pinky swear is a pinky swear and you don't want to risk giving any information up with the chance of someones life being in harms way. Eventually what you've said will come out even if the chances are slim so be prepared to wear it and take responsibility for what you've said. Backstabbing those that you only have because you wanted to be safe on the band wagon is the quickest way to have regrets because people can be stupid in a crowd where as an individual you tend to react without the fear of the misguidance of others so what your giving may vary from what the mob is asking for.
How can you say that all of us have shared a secret maybe you should trust that some people can keep their mouth shut.