It is sad that some people need to be treated badly for them to treat others with respect. Those who need constant reminding not to take peoples generosity for granted easily forget that those who treat them with respect isn't a sign of weakness but a show of strength. This type of behaviour reinforces the saying treat them mean to keep them keen. But not all those who are victims of neglect desire the reminder that their decision to be friendly should come at a cost of losing their integrity. If we don't strive to be good to one another than all that is left is the caveman mentality "ME FIRST" without any regard to anyone else's well being because their only truth is what am I getting out of this. Motives that only suit one person promotes dictatorship this highlights the individuals personality in the first three letters in dictatorship and most people would rather surround themselves with someone who is not a dic. How civil is a civilisation that values only the selfish minded this can never represent our society. That's why our values should focus on what we can do to make others happy and not what do i get out of it.

If you're not getting anything from a task than what is the point to putting any effort in.