Thoughts that enter our mind and stay with our hearts are the main ingredients that helps assist us when trying to relate, by connecting our minds to each other. No longer feeling lonely because of what we share with each other. This process helps filter our thoughts through expression of the mind, reading deep in what your feeling helps decipher any complicated mind.
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
Social media gives us a stage where anything is possible,where we are only limited by our own imagination. We are now capable of reaching a grand audience but where possibilities are magnified so are our vulnerabilities being judged by a larger scale of critiques those who will ridicule anyone they can not relate to. The power of words, capable of shifting sides to anyone willing to listen but is the full story been taken into consideration or are we only concentrating on the advantages.
Friday, 18 November 2011
There are questions people don't like asking themselves because the answers open there eyes to changes they do not want to comprehend for their beliefs aren't use to being challenged. They would rather believe that putting a happy face means that there problems really have been dealt with. Afraid that if they show negativity to those who deserve it by being rude to those who are selfish it can take over there own state of mind. So use your imagination and let the delusion settle in. Life is great if you don't acknowledge that there are ups and downs in life.
In life some experiences help motivate us to do better and get more out of our circumstances. While others deny our curiosities by directing us to not to do anything different to the way were use to. Leaving our paths to flow with the sway of the world by not going against the grain. We have two choices which both will lead to our fate of our character structure which determines the level of our discipline we have, do we try and take leaps and bounds further than what is expected of us that will be more difficult, or do we take the easy way to a life without any real challenges with as little chance to fail as is humanly possible.
Innocents aren’t immune to the problems that plague us all. Sickness and the frailty of life show no mercy to the weak and vulnerable. Once you begin life the hour glass of life losses grain without any prejudice, young or old black or white there is no escaping our one truth. Life and death are a part of each other and they will remain whether we choose to endure it or not. All we have is to look past our end of life and to see what’s beyond the mortal life and to see that we are part of a big plan. There to put in place to balance humanity.
We are surrounded by our own man made creations. Transgressed through our limitless imagination, gods of our own domain. Our way of life and our beliefs are molded by our experiences. Our beliefs are what motivates us to think what we are doing is justified irrespective of confliction. Our beliefs even though are unique to our own mind they still are real to the consequences that we are all bound by. Making our beliefs an undeniable part of those we interact with. Sometimes influencing some to think twice about how they choose to be affected.
When your jealousy overtakes your envy your appreciation of simple pleasures of life are overridden by your lack of control of your emotions. Jealously left in the place where your morals normally stood swaying you to do what is out of character. Jealousy now your companion, stuck on taking you far from your happiness .Your only on track when you’re truly happy by following your desires. You are the only one able to wake yourself up and bring you power to your ability to reason with your conflicting battles in the mind. Do I try to be good to others or do I just be good to myself.
How much does your perception of yourself vary from another ones opinion of you? Are we disillusioned by our egos? Do we only see what we want to see or do we really care how we come across or how we effect others. Does our opinion revolve only on our perspective of the truth? One thing we have in common with each other is that we believe we are right in the way we think and that we are happy to think the way we do. But why do some people feel the need to escape from reality by any means possible. Suicide their answer to the fears of a complicated world.
Memories are the bookmarks of our life, without them we are unable to relate our experiences and empathise with people. They magnify our ability to learn from our previous mistakes and enhance our decisions by providing us with positive reinforcement through reflecting on our positive history. Without reflecting on our past we can not improve our future.
If your father hits you, if your father verbally abuses you- when is it enough? When does the “GET OUT BLOOD” free card free your bind from your family? To pity the pitiless drains your compassion and takes away your logic. Father no longer labelled as the teacher and son as the student. Lessons lose there impact as respect no longer drives you. Respect stands only when remorse stands with it. Without remorse there is no forgiveness.
A smiling face and a handshake easily disarm an unforgiving soul. Better judgement pushed aside for loneliness doesn’t take. Without compromise of consequence to our own moral fibre. Left to re-adapt to an ever changing world, that doesn’t always coincide with our own views.
Your job does not define who you are, it is your character that inspires that. Your character is reflected on how you spend your spare time. Your free time which gives you the choice where obligation doesn’t play a big part and choice determines the level of happiness you experience. Happiness you can only succumb to.
Fate guides us through the confusion barriers, which ultimately leads to ideal circumstances. Unable to make sense of a preferred reality controlled by the decisions we make that lead us to more endless opportunities. Fate a word described too many and understood as an involuntary action which is pre-written in our destiny. Our wants and needs determine how we respond to our environment, our feelings are the epitome of uncontrollable emotions that lead to resolution of the mind. Only through understanding that fate is just the likely hood of our decision making abilities on a day to day basis magnified by the plans of others and the plans of the world rolled into what we call life, can we accept that we may try and control our destiny but fate controls us.
Ignorance leads to arrogance, to judge yourself and compare others differences as weakness of another forte. Aspirations and ideals that aren't met and thought of in common interest. To believe differences are boundaries from keeping one from reaching there desired goals, or the right way of thinking or even living.

Absolute is final, different people have alternate beliefs, these perspectives are what they believe in, but there is one truth. Truth is the fact that resides in the order of reality. A reality which is universal to all irrespective of belief. Truth is final, our truth is governed by the limits of our understanding, but the truth will always remain irrespective of point of view.
Criticism a unique tool that can be used to help you in noticing a side that you may have not yet considered, but also sometimes used to make you feel better by pointing out the negative in others. A way to highlight what we believe is wrong with someone by diverting negative attention to anyone, so that we don’t have to deal with our own insecurities. A choice some deem as there right to point out certain idiosyncrasies they might not accept as normal. A way of connecting to others who face the same lack of respect for anyone different to themselves. A failure to communicate without negative influence that sometimes portray our mirror image that we all are sometimes are afraid to comprehend because of its real meaning.
Image a word to some, an obligation to others. A symbolic representation of ones self and the bases of how you are looked upon in societies eyes. This is one of the struggles in life people attach a great purpose to because the outcome might lead to a fear of abandonment. The fear drives them to do what ever they can do to blend in or adapt to a persona that manifests the rules of acceptance to others. The reward is solely to be accepted by the demanding crowd as part of becoming one of them and losing the I, in any debated situation. This assists you in losing any individuality you may have left on the basis of what you give is not what you are. Depending the type of image you are trying to portray, your real image lying in the hands of others, the group that you are trying to be a part of.
Denial unable to unravel the seams of truth. To face a truth that is only understood in its simplest form. An incomplete truth, made real only in the mind, failure to transgress to a higher level of thinking until the justification process has further developed the morals and beliefs that make up your mind. These make up the drive which promotes you to be all that you are in the world, and to do whatever you consider to be right, controlled only by the limits of your denial, bounded by the extremities of the mind.
Thursday, 17 November 2011
The meaning of life is the true search to happiness. Knowing your innermost desires that waits an eternity of time to be satisfied. Knowing what the wants and needs are, and how to meet the requirements will bring you to the same question. WHAT IS THE MEANING OF LIFE? Every answer leads to being yourself, in all situations and not changing your personality, just because you are in unfamiliar territory, trying to blend in because it’s safer to feel like everybody else, rather than feeling like yourself an individual unique because of your differences.
Knowledge a thirst that can’t be denied. A goal that will lead truth and understanding to all that is foreign, to it. Once obtained knowledge will answer all the UN - answered questions, hence stability will follow, enabling to bring yourself to equilibrium (Inner Peace.) with your surroundings. Then you’ll finally have the power to take control of your life and live it to the UTOPIAN dream that we all have preordained in us all.
Good and bad, distinctions so fine that both are hard to differentiate. Brought to life through the circumstance of chance. Good unable to exist without bad as bad needs the balance of good to determine the degree of which it is heightened. Good and bad fluctuate through the relevance of appreciation. Appreciation, the pillar that controls the internal foundation to recline in order of preference. The key is to understand the population’s needs and demands. Through these needs and demands will come the answer to what is good and what is bad?
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Sadness hits you when you are reminded about the life you've missed with your loved ones because of distance between you. Wedding unites and death passing,the only times where you justify the time away from regular life routine.Hoping your next meeting would be a gather of good times and praying not for the passing of another. The feeling of love when surrounded by family but knowing we will all go back to our routine never the same for the gap left in our hearts needs only the companionship of our loved ones. When losing someone close feels like we are losing part of ourselves. The only remedy is to share what little time we have with the people that mean the most to us. Love will always bring us closer to peace.
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Our childhood un-corrupt by greed and predjudices, distracted by others dreams wills us to want more out of life expect more to complicate our once simple existance. Those who can overcome the propaganda live a meaningful life , those who cant absorb the good feel overwhelmed there life taken over leaves them feeling empty and lost. The only anchor is there childhood dreams.
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