Appreciation seems to be enough to propel you through the tough times that would normally knock you down. We want to feel that we matter by those that we are meant to respect. There must be a common ground of respect if we expect to get along with each other and see eye to eye on a daily basis. How can we expect others to show us any form of appreciation if we can't show them the same level of decency?. Most people share a simple philosophy to treat others the same way as they would want to be treated. But this usually coincides with treating others with the same respect you yourself are receiving. So it is only normal to assume that if there is no appreciation shown in a relationship than that the same level of respect will be reciprocated. If you would prefer to see yourself with the integrity that promotes higher values by not taking in the negative influences that sometimes have been thrusted upon you, then your basically saying you are comfortable with treating people better than they are treating you. The truth of the matter is not everybody will give you the respect you deserve and there are a lot of people who will take advantage of your generous behaviour. So keep that in mind when making the decision to stand up for yourself by not letting people treat you like a fool, because we are more than just matter and where it counts we do matter to those that are important to us. Let those who don't count to us wallow in their own sorrows because that is what's install for those who's mind is full of negativity leaving them with a negative aura that promotes bitterness and leads to a lonely lifestyle.