Saving money is our personal promise to ourselves that we are trying to reach a financial goal that will come with the reward of a purchase in the near future. Long term and short term goals are influenced by our greater desire to take ownership of a specific item ,but the commitment to saving money can sometimes tire when you've had a tight guard on spending any money. We all need to invest some of our well earned money in our short term goals that will help ensure our own happines. If saving is our only goal, what joy can come with having the means to treat yourself but refraining from rewarding yourself. Accumulating a source of funds that are prepared for the rainy day but not used because of the fears of decreasing our funds is defeating the purpose of building a safety net that we never use. Money is only useful if you use it to get you what you want, but if your only pupose for money is to feel safe that you have a lot of it. Then you need to remember that life is short and you cant take your money with you. So work smarter and figure out what you want in life quicker and spend the money you've saved before someone else does.